Monday, January 11, 2016

On the fifth day of Christmas...

Day #2 of head cold. 
Lots of tea, lemon-ginger echinacea juice, medicine and rest.
I am grateful for some quiet days.

Tea and Stollen at night.
1 present each!

(we found an affordable copy, and are super excited about it!)

My Mom mailed our presents and I wrapped them.
My Mother has told me that my gift wrapping has
improved as time has gone on! :)

I am so excited to curl up and read this with lots of cups of tea!

And it is an autographed early printing! 
I am so grateful to have it! 


Tia said...

Hope you are feeling better soon.

steph said...

do hope you are feeling better by seems everyone i know has been battling something this year! (me, too!!!)